Arma 3 clone wars mod

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When I moved, the MG42 shifted his fire violently. I'm in the attic of the house in the forefront, facing towards the screen.

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Move out to the right side of the window. Once the enemy starts putting rounds near you, he has you in his sights. It turned out that the bags were not necessary. I added some bullet tracing for this German MG42 because I wanted to know if my sandbags placed against the wall would provide some extra stopping power. One MG 42, immediately acquired and started firing (note the bullet traces). My first shots were through the left of the window, so the house's roof protected me against observation and fires from Germans advancing left of the road. The enemy knows your latest position and he will be aiming right into your head when you come up.

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A common mistake that I see in people playing Arma 3 is that they fire, duck into cover and just go up again for a second shot from the same exact position. The point I want to make is that one has to be proactive in a defensive position. Two German squads are advancing (not a fat chance to get out alive, I know). The attic from hell: I fortified the position with some sandbags and placed my character in a keyhole position. In this blog entry, a beleaguered Para has German infantry closing on his position. It's September and I am feeling a bit for a WWII, British Paras action.